Equal Opportunity Council

The Equal Opportunity Council oversees the implementation of the Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Policy and serves as advisor to the Executive Director-Treasurer or designee.

The EOC shall oversee the implementation of the Policy and shall serve as advisor to the Executive Director-Treasurer or designee. The EOC also:

  1. Interfaces with the Employee Relations Specialist (“ERS”) (formerly referred to as the EEO Officer) and monitors Policy compliance, the implementation of programs and procedures related to the Policy, and may participate in the resolution of problems as they relate to the Policy.
  2. Reviews the Policy at least annually and recommends changes related to the Policy or relays concerns related to compliance with the Policy to the Board of Directors by the June Board meeting or upon such later date as may be mutually agreed upon by a majority vote of the EOC PERSONNEL POLICIES
  3. Monitors compliance with the Policy, identifies inequities or problem areas and makes recommendations to the appropriate authority in the following sequence: ERS, Director of Human Resources, Executive Director-Treasurer, MTA Executive Committee, MTA Board of Directors.
  4. Reviews employment practices to ensure they are in alignment with the Policy and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  5. Reviews hiring and recruitment reports prepared by the Human Resources Division for compliance with the Policy.
  6. Reviews audits of employment and promotional patterns prepared by the Director of Human Resources or the ERS and periodically reviews recruitment procedures.
  7. For divisions within MTA whose workforce does not reflect alignment with the Policy, the EOC shall determine whether the selection criteria and/or the recruitment process are contributing factors and make appropriate recommendations.

Chair: Anneta Argyres

Staff Consultant: Ethel Daniel