MTA Forums

mta forumsAn MTA-sponsored speaker series aimed at sharing the insights and experiences of our member-educators, as well as prominent scholars, writers and activists. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about important issues affecting our schools, colleges, universities and communities and leave with action steps they can take to advocate for public education.

MTA Virtual Forum on Full-Service Community Schools

Limits & Possibilities of Education in an Unequal Society

When: Oct. 21 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Where: Virtual

Virtual forum on Full-Service Community Schools

Featuring Dr. Pedro A. Noguera, professor of education at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and faculty director for the Center for the Transformation of Schools at the University of California Los Angeles. Learn about the work of community schools and the role of teachers in promoting agency and empowerment to counter oppressive conditions that often obstruct progress.

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Learn more & register

Virtual MTA Forum on High-Stakes Testing

The Truth About High Stakes Testing and College and Career Readiness

When: Oct. 23 at 6 p.m.

Where: Virtual

Featuring Denisha Jones from Defending the Early Years, this webinar will address the truth about high-stakes testing and college and career readiness.

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Explore previous MTA forums

MTA Forum: Wrestling with Privacy — Surveillance Technologies in Education

MTA Forum: Wrestling with Privacy — Surveillance Technologies in Education

MTA Forum: Author Heather McGhee on the zero sum theory

MTA Forum: The Thrive Act, High Stakes Standardized Testing and State Takeovers