MTA’s Early Career Educators Conference, designed for PreK-12 teachers, paraprofessionals and higher education members in their first five years of practice, presents early career and aspiring educators with the perfect opportunity to meet with colleagues and learn how to strengthen their skills.
Presented by Michelle Austin and Christine Lloyd, Worcester, at the 2020 Early Career Educator Conference
Universal Design for Learning - ECEC 2020
Presented by Jennifer Maio, Groton-Dunstable, at the 2020 Early Career Educator Conference
Racial Trauma in the Classroom - ECEC 2020
Presented by Esperanze Donovan, Worcester, at the 2020 Early Career Educators Conference
Science of Educator Burnout - ECEC 2020
Presented by Sarah Bousquet, Tantasqua Regional, at the 2020 Early Career Educators Conference.
Teaching with Light - ECEC 2020
Presented by Carol Radford, Retired, at the 2020 Early Career Educators Conference.
Teaching Academic Vocabulary with Digital Tools
Presented by Michelle Austin and Christine Lloyd, Worcester, at the 2020 Early Career Educator Conference
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